FOTO: Julie Jacobson/AP
- 13 de janeiro de 2013|
- 14h38|
Por Murilo Roncolato
Na CES 2013, startups disputaram espaço com as grandes para chamar a atenção
para as suas novidades
LAS VEGAS – A feira de
tecnologia de Las Vegas, a Consumer Electronics Show (CES), chegou ao fim e o
que fica desta edição de 2013 é uma dúvida: as próximas inovações da indústria
de eletrônicos continuarão vindo das grandes ou serão as startups de garagem
que ditarão os rumos?
Durante a feira pequenas e
grandes empresas exibiram de igual para igual o que tinham de mais novo em
termos de produto e pesquisa. A CES não é só a maior feira de tecnologia do
mundo, mas também o primeiro evento anual do setor. A combinação faz dela o
principal encontro de pessoas que querem saber para onde aponta o futuro da
indústria. Ou ao menos era assim que costumava ser.
“Na CES não vemos inovação. As
empresas vêm para mostrar avanços que elas acham interessantes, mas não são
coisas que as pessoas estão comprando”, afirmou ao Link o analista Jia
Wu, da Strategy Analytics, citando como exemplos as TVs 3D que não ganharam o
grande público.
Para ele, a indústria da
tecnologia vive hoje um momento de “evolução”, no qual as companhias se esforçam
para aplicar suas novas tecnologias nos produtos já existentes e melhorá-los.
Momentos assim são comuns após estágios de “revolução”, quando nasce algo novo
que redefine todo o mercado – caso dos aparelhos da Apple com o iPhone e o
Avanços. Las Vegas não viu nenhuma revolução na edição deste ano. As empresas
aproveitaram a feira para mostrar o que conseguiram fazer de melhor e diferente
de produtos já conhecidos – e despertar o interesse de compradores e
As novidades ficaram reduzidas
a algumas melhorias, só possíveis graças aos avanços na indústria de
processadores. O mantra do mercado de eletrônicos continua o mesmo: aparelhos
mais finos, leves, potentes e que consomem menos energia.
Exemplo disso foram os
televisores, categoria que tradicionalmente é destaque na feira. Marcas como
Sharp, Samsung, LG e Panasonic tinham estandes muito semelhantes, com TVs ainda
maiores (entre 55 a 85 polegadas) e resolução de 4k (3840 × 2160 pixels), o que
proporciona imagens de altíssima qualidade. A maioria delas chega ao mercado
neste ano, mas a preços proibitivos – caso da Sony de 84 polegadas, que sai por
US$ 25 mil.
Também havia muitos tablets –
incluindo os que viram notebooks (híbridos). A maioria usa Windows 8 e todos
eram muito parecidos. O que chamou a atenção foram os modelos de tablets
gigantes, com telas de 20 a 27 polegadas. De tão grandes, são feitos para
ficarem deitados, como mesas digitais.
Os smartphones seguiram o
mesmo caminho e as maiores novidades não iam além de dispositivos com telas
maiores. Já as câmeras ganharam conexão Wi-Fi e 3G/4G (pela rede de celular).
Já no setor automotivo,
montadoras como GM e Ford exibiram seus novos sistemas para computadores de
bordo, enquanto outras como Hyundai, Lexus e Audi mostravam protótipos de
carros que andavam sozinhos e distinguiam o motorista por reconhecimento
Quem inova. A Ford aproveitou para convidar desenvolvedores a criar aplicativos
para seu sistema de bordo, numa estratégia parecida com a Apple fez quando
lançou o iPhone. “Nós não sabemos de onde a inovação vai brotar”, disse John T.
Ellis, diretor global de tecnologia da Ford. “O que podemos fazer é entregar
nossa tecnologia nas mãos das pessoas para que elas nos mostrem.”
É dessa maneira que coisas
novas têm surgido. Para o analista da Strategy Analytics, Jia Wu, a estratégia
é resultado também da inflexibilidade das grandes empresas. “Companhias como
Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, Dell têm muita estrutura, dinheiro e mão de obra para
inovar. Isso é positivo e é exatamente o que falta às startups. O problema é
que sofrem pressão de investidores e não podem arriscar muito”, explica. “É o
dilema da inovação.”
A tela flexível da Samsung é a aposta
para o futuro dos celulares DIVULGAÇÃO
Waldez Ludwig - Criatividade versus Inovação
CONSIDERAÇÕES - Fernando Augusto Almeida Neves:
Uma organização
bem sucedida na sua área de atuação busca oferecer produtos e serviços com
qualidade para os seus clientes. Uma empresa que se questiona sobre novas
oportunidades de negócio vai ter necessidade de verificar e analisar o seu
modelo atual com um novo e diagnosticar quais as possíveis respostas
alternativas para seu segmento de mercado. “Isso implica, em um nível mais
profundo, que muitos princípios de boa administração amplamente aceitos são, na
verdade, adequados em apenas algumas situações. Há vezes em que o certo é não
ouvir os clientes, é investir no desenvolvimento de produtos que prometem
margens de lucro menores, é perseguir agressivamente mercados pequenos, não os
polpudos.” (CHRISTENSEN, 2000).
A máquina de
Hargreaves (1767), capaz de fiar, sob os cuidados de um só operário, 80
kg de fios de algodão de uma só vez;
O fundador e
presidente mundial da Bloomberg, uma das líderes do mercado mundial de
informação financeira, chegou a manifestar publicamente seu desprezo pela
Internet. Numa reportagem que EXAME publicou em outubro de 1996, ele chamava a
rede mundial de piada. Depois de ler o livro de Christensen, enviou cópias aos
50 melhores amigos e passou a investir pesado na difusão de informações pela
internet, fora da rede proprietária da Bloomberg. ”Um dia cheguei para
trabalhar e havia uma mensagem de Bloomberg na secretária eletrônica, disse
Christensen na teleconferência que concedeu a EXAME. “Ele disse que eu tinha
escrito o melhor livro de negócios que ele já havia lido.”(GUROVITZ, 1999).
DRUCKER, Peter. Os novos
paradigmas da administração. Revista Exame, v. 24, n. 02, p. 1999, 1999.
Estadã -
Disponível em: <>
Acesso em 28/04/2013 às 02:45h.
GUROVITZ, Helio. Vítimas
da excelência. Exame. São Paulo, v. 689, p. 82-96, 1999.
HADDAD, Evelyn Witt. Inovação
tecnológica em Schumpeter e na ótica neo-schumpeteriana. 2010.
MARTIN, Roger. Opposable mind.
Business School Press,
Rotman: a new way to think
– Disponível em: <>
- Acesso em 27/04/2013 às 22:40h.
terceira onda. 8 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1980.
Augusto Almeida Neves:
AIRES, Buenos Myrene - LEOPOLDO, COLLEGES INCORPORATED PEDRO. INNOVATION PROCESS: A case study in public health institution, 2010.
A successful organization in its field of operation seeks to offer products and quality services to its customers. A company that asks about new business opportunities will need to check and analyze your current model with a new and diagnose what the possible alternative responses to their market segment. "This implies, on a deeper level, many principles of good administration are widely accepted, in fact, appropriate in only some situations. There are times when the right is not listening to customers, is investing in the development of products that promise lower margins, are aggressively pursue small markets, not hefty. "(Christensen, 2000).
With respect to identify the signals to interrupt a cycle routine to innovative make a decision, it may be carried through four stages or steps, starting with the one that Roger Martin (2009) called "boss". Find out what kinds of information or variables that are relevant to make a choice.
The first step
requires courage not to deal with stressful situations with the relief factors
that may be important.
In a second
step, the "causality", should seek to identify what types of
relationships can exist between the various variables. It
is useful to create a mental map of causality and to establish links between the
various variables. Establish
the relationships critical to bring out the ridges found in the first step.
In the third
stage, called "sequence", it is time to create a comprehensive mental
model, based on the choices made from the first two steps. Deciding
where and when to cut into the problem, taking into account the wealth of
connections between each component of the problem. This
problem has some parts of the surface and taking other backwards.
Anyway, after
identifying the relevant variables to construct the causal map and establish
the sequence of actions, is faced with the most difficult stage, the
"resolution". It
is difficult because many were headed back, but can not work with all the
variables of the problem.
Kaplan and
Norton (1997, p. 5) define the importance of innovation, not only to sustain
the present, but mainly to ensure the future: "The life cycles of products
continue to decline. Competitive
advantage in the generation of life of a product does not guarantee the lead in
the next technological platform. Companies
that compete in industries of rapid technological innovation must master the
art of predicting the future needs of customers, devising innovative products
and services radically and rapidly incorporating new product technologies to
provide more efficient operational processes and service delivery. Even
for companies in sectors with relatively long life cycles, continuous
improvement of processes and products is critical to the long-term success.
This challenge
has to be done and seen as a voltage to be creative and to be able to manage
with flexibility. This
requires a lot of tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty, and an attitude of
openness to continuous improvement. Disruptive
innovation involves the creation of a completely new product, for example,
replacement of TV picture tube by flat screen TV with LED.
When the best
companies are successful, it is simply said they listened carefully managed
because their customers and invested aggressively in technology, products and
production capacity to meet the needs of the next generation of its target
audience. Paradoxically,
however, when the best firms subsequently fail, the reasons were the same -
they listened carefully to their customers and invested aggressively in technology,
products and production capacity to meet the needs of the next generation of
customers. This
is one of the dilemmas Innovator: Blindly following the maxim that good
managers should keep close to their customers can sometimes be a fatal mistake.
(Christensen, 2000).
Marx argues that
technological changes are movements replacement of man by machine. He
believes that technology is the way of the capitalist system on the one hand
increase the gain generated on the sale of products and other, disqualification,
the subordination of the workers against the capitalists and inhumane working
conditions. (Haddad, 2010).
According to the
Brazil Portal. General
history - the industrial revolution, the first phase of the Industrial
Revolution, the textile industry was the most developed. The
large supply of raw material (cotton, which was the largest producer in the
United States) and the abundance of skilled labor barateavam production costs,
generating high profits which were reinvested in technological improvement and
productive. Thus,
also the metallurgical industry was stimulated, and the search for new energy
sources. Bringing
therefore radical innovations or break when the Industrial Revolution.
Some inventions
were of fundamental importance to activate the process of industrial
mechanization, among which we highlight:
The machine
Hargreaves (1767) able to spin under the care of a single operator 80 kg of
cotton yarn once;
The loom
hydraulic Arkwright (1768);
The machine
Crompton, improving hydraulic loom (1779);
The loom of
Cartwright (1785);
The steam engine
of Thomas Newcomen, perfected later by James Watt (1769)
The steamboat
Robert Fulton (1805 - USA);
The steam
locomotive by George Stephenson (1814).
The founder and
president of the world Bloomberg, one of the world's leading financial
information, come to publicly express his contempt for the Internet. In
a report that EXAMINATION published in October 1996, he called the world wide
joke. After
reading the book Christensen, sent copies to 50 best friends and started to
invest heavily in the dissemination of information on the internet, outside of
the network owner of Bloomberg. "One
day I came to work and there was a message on the answering machine Bloomberg,
Christensen said in that teleconference granted EXAMINATION. "He
said that I had written the best business book he had ever read."
(GUROVITZ, 1999).
innovative organization is one in which innovations occur sporadically. (...)
The innovative organization is permeated by a continuous and ongoing process of
producing innovations, these innovations can be of any kind - product, process,
or business management. "(Barbieri, 2009).
Thus, with
product innovations stemming from the Industrial Revolution, new forms of
management were needed for new industrial requirements such as coordination of
activities, processes and people involved in them. In
this sense, several authors worked in pursuit of creating new organizational
theories, because innovation from the Industrial Revolution relied mainly on
new machines and products, not specifying how people would fit and administer
this new context.
socio-political transformations-economic, industrial and technological
surrounding the planet, and currently involve the world with speed and depth,
significantly modify humanity. And,
in a peculiar way, they reflect the operation of organizations, because they
make the organizational environment increasingly dynamic, restless, requiring
companies to a constant need to be alert to their activities, modifying their
structures and strategies to remain innovative and competitive .
transformations make business organizations seek an improvement in technical
efficiency, administrative, technological and productive, in control activities
in the company and in understanding the environmental factors that influence
directly in their strategies. Therefore,
search constantly a management model in which man dominates nature, the
physical means available to it, including his own work, innovation, technology
oe knowledge. Actually
Brazilian business to transform businesses into "companies that
learn" will be required major revisions in the values of national business leaders.
workers (knowledge workers), according EARTH (2000, p. 203), have some issues
and challenges to address:
a) how to map
knowledge (individual skills) in existing companies?
b) where are the
core skills and expertise of the company related to core competences?
c) to facilitate
and encourage the explicit tacit knowledge workers?
d) how to
attract, select and retain people with the required skills, abilities and
e) how to
maintain the balance between teamwork and individual work and between work and
multidisciplinary expertise required individual?
f) how to use
investments in information and communication technology to increase the
knowledge of the company and not only accelerate the flow of information?
g) what systems,
policies and procedures must be implemented to shape behaviors related to
stimulating creativity and learning?
h) how to
encourage and reward knowledge sharing (knowledge sharing) and discourage the
holding knowledge (that people keep knowledge to themselves)?
i) how to make
the company open to external knowledge? Magnifying
and capturing the flow of knowledge, ideas and insights from customers,
partners, suppliers and the community in general?
organization must be transparent. People
have to know and have to understand the structure of the organization where it
is supposed to work. This
seems obvious, but is violated too frequentência in most institutions (even in
the military). "(DRUKER, 2006, Page 21).
The search while
business phenomenon, developed from the Industrial Revolution, in which
innovations are highlighted as factors of change in organizational structure
and guiding decision making. From
the early twentieth century, the management thought passed by the principles of
scientific management, the preoccupation with the human element, advocated by
the behavioral approach and the contingency theory, the Management and
Industrial Technology. Recently,
the introduction and evolution of computers provided to organizations,
effectively, institutions processing information.
Therefore, one
can see different phases of the business organizations that affected differently
and contributed to the development of different management models. Indeed,
the administrative sciences have emphatically demonstrated the evolution of
management models, indicating the need for innovation as a way of
organizational restructuring.
practices to facilitate innovation generates significant results for the whole
society. Thus,
the pharmaceutical industries begin to reduce the differences in technology and
innovation of their products is replaced by a value increasing. The
need to adapt to market demands is a reality. Are
invested in Brazil, about forty billion dollars per year (BRAZILIAN CENTER FOR
HEALTH STUDIES, 2006) in the area of health, including provision for the study
of new drugs and tests. Innovation
is constant and becomes the differentiating factor of companies and their role
in society. (AIRES, 2010).
characteristics of the organizational restructuring process, many authors have
suggested the creation of structures to a higher level of flexibility, dissemination
of information, knowledge and creativity. Innovation,
especially technological, are fundamental to the development of organizations,
because they allow changes in search of new opportunities for businesses. They
are essential for competition, as organizations innovate in order to achieve an
increase in profitability and market share gains.
In 1997, Andy
Grove was so impresionado with lecture Christensen - also a consultant - which
drastically changed the strategy from Intel. The
famous paranoid, current president of the board of the largest chipmaker in the
world, decided to briefly forget Moore's law: processing power of chips doubles
every 18 months, then the investment should be in the production of
concentardos chips more
powerful because they are more profitable. After
Christensen, the intel began to develop and take seriously the chips cheaper,
less powerful and less profitable. (GUROVITZ,
technological progress tends to reach higher levels with impacts on
productivity, socio-economic structures and organizations, generating
innovations in production systems involving new technologies and new forms of
work organization today.
A greater
understanding of the processes of firms adapt to innovations involving the
organizational environment. Therefore,
innovation, technological innovation, influence and impacts from the
perspective of organizations, seeking to establish links between innovation and
changes in theories of organizations are essential for companies not being
surprised by "technological breakthroughs".
The point is not always accurate or up resources to have a radical innovation, but in most cases you can use other types of innovations at the right time can be faster and more efficient to generate value to your business.
The point is not always accurate or up resources to have a radical innovation, but in most cases you can use other types of innovations at the right time can be faster and more efficient to generate value to your business.
Blog, one can read that the technology fair in Las Vegas, the
Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Ford took the opportunity to invite developers
to create applications for your system board, a strategy similar to that Apple did when it launched the
iPhone. "We
do not know where innovation will sprout," said John T. Ellis, director of global
technology Ford. "What
we do is deliver our technology into people's hands so they show us."
slide technology in the swamp": compete with the onslaught and relentless
technological change was like trying to climb a mountain facing a devastating
amount of lime sliding. You
have to come up with all things and stay on top, and if you ever have to stop
to breathe, will be buried. (Christensen,
In Brazil,
national organizations, both public and private, are developing efforts to
catch up which led to a delay in relation to the world situation. However,
if there are few Brazilian companies considered "world class", it is
possible to evaluate from the applicability of these new management practices
that will ensure their survival in an increasingly globalized and competitive,
especially in the Management of Technological Innovation.
With the
globalization of the market, companies are feeling the need to give extra
attention to customers, which in turn, are increasingly demanding. Each
day, as new technologies emerge also emerge, new types of products and
services. In
this sense, establish strategies to ensure retention and customer loyalty
becomes ever more important.
A message with
information is data that makes a difference, which may be audible or visible,
and where there is a sender and a receiver. It is the most important
input of human production. "They
are interpreted data endowed with relevance and purpose" (Drucker, 1999,
p.32). It is
a message flow, a product capable of generating knowledge.
We live in a
time when customers are increasingly demanding customized products and services
and companies increasingly vying for new customers, adding value to acquire and
retain old customers, ie, obtain and keep these in the best way possible. Thus,
programs that aim to simultaneously achieve these two aspects have been
generating great competitive edge. Thus,
according to Rocha and Christensen (1999, p.61), the market is looking for a
professional with a new profile and be able to 'represent his client to the
company; represent your company to the customer; coordinate support activities . "
According to
Porter (1991, p.74) "companies need to improve the way of care." The
client, when it is well attended and brings back other clients. This needs to be
very clear for entrepreneurs. In
the new world order, led by the services sector, the attendance will be,
increasingly, the deciding factor for a company to succeed with their customers
or simply disappear from the market.
A company
becomes competitive when differentiates their prices or offers significant
improvements in their products and services around particular audience segment
of the market that will work. The
relationship built by the company to customers through a gradual conquest,
demonstrates that there are several factors that determine the company's
financial stability.
It is necessary
to recognize that customer value is greater than the value of your purchase, as
well as the perception of the consumer in terms of innovation, which will give
you the certainty of his return over time, and On
the other hand, the customer's purchase is much more expensive than the
maintenance returned, so faithfulness to be a very important requirement.
Companies must
add value to all aspects of their experience with the customer, the price is no
longer the primary consideration, becoming an item of value proposition much
more comprehensive, which means that competition has more difficulty to
reach this customer, which becomes more tolerant and passing to keep an ongoing
relationship with the company.
With regard to
companies that have similar products and services, in this sense the great
advantage of customer loyalty is the ability to make a difference in an
environment where everything is equal. Companies
need to provide consumers with concrete reasons to choose your brand over
another. All
this with the added advantage of being able to monitor the financial result of
all the effort.
Therefore, the
focus of business should be to build strong relationships with its
stakeholders, with a commitment to encouraging group work and team effort. The
service to be provided to the client must have the involvement of all sectors
of the company in order to solve customer problems The commitment should be
standard of care and all the products and services should be unified.
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PORTER, Michael E. Competitive
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EARTH, J.C.C. Knowledge
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